Gambling Self-Exclusion Scheme

admin 10/12/2020
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While many people can and do enjoy online and casino gambling responsibly, there are those who may have issues that can make them vulnerable to issues like gambling addictions. In order to help those who may want to avoid gambling, the UK government has introduced the Gambling Self-Exclusion Scheme

What is the Gambling Self-Exclusion Scheme

The gambling self-exclusion is a solution for those who wish to be refused service from any gambling business or establishment. In most cases, it involves asking a gambling business to exclude you from between six months to five years, meaning you will be denied service in the venues or websites run by that business. Any gambling businesses operating in the UK have to offer gambling self-exclusion as a legal requirement.

While the responsibility for refraining from gambling lies directly on you as an individual, you can ask gambling operators to help by refusing you service. However, they cannot be held responsible if they do what they reasonably can to help but you circumvent their attempts to exclude you.

Reasons to self-exclude

The gambling self-exclusion scheme is designed to help those who have any reason to want to stop having access to gambling business and websites. A lot of players have favourite websites and venues, but if you have difficulty in not playing on these venues or websites, even when you don’t necessarily want to, self-exclusion can help you manage some form of control over your gambling. Some people can be helped by temporarily self-exclusion alone, but there is help available for those who need additional support, too.

Seeking self-exclusion help from casinos, betting shops, and casinos

To take advantage of the self-exclusion scheme with the help of physical betting establishments, patrons have to get in contact with the individual businesses and venues. They can visit the venue and request to talk to a shop manager or senior member of staff. Let them know that you want to self-exclude and bring with you a couple of passport size photos. The staff will then use these to identify you in future and, if they see you, they will deny your service in future. You can also take home a copy of the self-exclusion agreement from the venue.

Seeking self-exclusion from online gambling

Unlike with physical locations, it is much easier to self-exclude from all online gambling services, websites, and apps that are licensed to operate in Great Britain. The GAMSTOP website, found at, allows UK and NI to register for exclusion from all licensed gambling sites, with options to register for 6 months, a year, or as many as five years.

Individuals can also seek to self-exclude from individual online gambling companies by getting in touch with the operator of the website. All gambling sites licensed to operate in the UK should have a page for Responsible Gambling or Safer Gamblings that lets you find information on how to self-exclude from the site. Otherwise, you can use whatever customer support or services features they have to request self-exclusion directly.

Seeking self-exclusion from multiple gambling services in your area

There are ways to self-exclude from more than one gambling establishment in your area. The phone number 08000 294 2060 can help you find local solutions to self-exclude from all locally licensed gambling businesses.

You can also seek self-exclusion on a UK wide basis. The link can help you self exclude from all casinos operating in the UK. Meanwhile, the Bingo Association website, found at offers options to self-exclude from all UK bingo venues. Lastly, you can self-exclude from gaming venues and arcades by requesting support from the BACTA website at 

Other steps help self-exclude

If you want to make sure that your self-exclusion goes successfully, then organizations like GamCare offer support lines with advisors that can help offer information and advice to help you stay in control of your gambling behaviour. This is available at 

You can also ensure that gambling business operators are taking the reasonable steps that they are legally required to do to prevent you from seeing any marketing material, such as advertisements, promoting their websites, when you self-exclude. However, ad blocking software can help you further avoid these.


If you feel like you are having trouble controlling your gambling, then the self-exclusion scheme can offer a lot of help. A clean break for some time is usually recommended over other methods of reducing your spending.

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